Patent Lawyer
Trenner Law Firm is an online patent law firm assisting clients throughout the world. Patent Attorney Mark Trenner is licensed as an attorney to practice before the US Patent Office. Mark Trenner has over 20 years experience helping individuals, start-ups and small businesses build strong intellectual property portfolios based on patents (to protect inventions), trademarks (to protect brands), copyright and trade secrets.
Trenner Law Firm was established in 2004 after Mark Trenner had worked for over 5 years at small, medium, and large patent law firms. Mark learned best practices and how to assist his clients achieve their goals. However, clients often asked for fee quotes up front – something Mark often did not have the authority to offer. So Mark started his own law firm and began offering projects on a flat-fee basis. This model was so successful, that today Trenner Law Firm offers all work on a project-based or flat fee billing system
“Clients are happy to know the cost of a project up-front before they authorize any work to be done. Once the project is finished, clients receive an invoice for the flat fee quoted up front, and nothing more.”
Do you need a patent attorney that can help with your next project? Due to high demand, we are not always available to take on new clients. So call today to find out if Trenner Law Firm can assist you.