Colorado Patent Attorney presents to Small Business Owners at Conifer Chamber of Commerce

Mark Trenner with the Colorado patent law firm, Trenner Law Firm, presented to business owners at the Conifer Chamber of Commerce meeting on Friday, January 13, 2012.

More details below . . .

Title: Every business has Intellectual Property.

Summary: Small Business Owners . . . what doesyour intellectual property (IP) portfolio look like? Think you won’t have one . . . think again. Do you plan to offer a product or service for sale? Consider trademark protection. Do you plan to have a website or at least a brochure? Consider copyright protection. Do you plan to have a customer list? Consider trade secret protection. Conifer Chamber of Commerce business attendees learned simple steps they can take today for free and inexpensively to start protecting their trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, and start on a path to strategically analyze and build their IP portfolios. Business owners also learned how their intellectual property adds real value to the bottom line of their business, whether looking for financing, venture capital, a business partner, or eventual sale of their business.

Contact Colorado patent attorney Mark Trenner if you are interested having him speak at your business or group meeting.